Inaugurated in 1996, the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld [ECB] is part of the Trier University of Applied Sciences that offers interdisciplinary higher education in the fields of;

a.) Environmental Planning & Technology, and
b.) Environmental Business Management & Law.

Home for more than 2700 students specializing in environmental education, ECB is designed as an incubator and a demonstration site for environmental technologies and innovations. ECB’s eco-­‐compatible building stock complemented by its sustainable utilities help achieve the ‘Zero Emission Campus’ status, which was the first of its kind in Europe.


  • 100% renewable heat supply based on waste wood, biogas, and solar thermal
  • 100% renewable electricity supply based on biomass and PV [includes; 492 kWp roof-­‐ and façade mounted PV covering up to  40% of the electricity demand]
  • 100% renewable cooling based on geothermal,  solar  adsorption  and biomass
  • Highest standards of energy efficiency achieved by; passive and plus-­‐energy buildings, energy efficient in-­‐ and out-­‐door lighting, building automation installations
  • Sustainable water resource management activities include; rainwater harvesting and reuse, rainwater infiltration, waterless urinals etc.
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