Stadtwerke Trier [SWT] is a utility and infrastructure service provider that supplies electricity, gas, drinking water, wastewater management, public transportation etc. to the city of Trier.
What sets apart SWT from any other utility and infrastructure service provider is its unique management model, which is essentially based on cooperation between different business entities creating synergies for efficient ‘Regional Material Flow Management’ toward a higher degree of climate protection.
Towards achieving triple- bottomline sustainability and climate protection, renewable resources and sustainable technologies utilisation are systemic to SWTs work. This model could be an archetypal example of how sustainable utility and infrastructure may be implemented in conventional municipalities around the world.
- Installed wind energy capacity (three wind parks) amounts to 45.9MW through which 79 million kWh/a could be generated offsetting 38.5kt of CO2-‐eq/a
- Installed capacity of PV plants (total of 13) amounts to ca. 44.25MW that collectively have the capacity to produce ca. 44.4 million kWh/a offsetting ca. 57.3kt of CO2-‐eq/a
- The two hydroelectricity plants (2.4 million kWh/a installed) has the capacity to offset 1.2kt of CO2-‐eq/a
- Both direct and indirect provision of employment amounts to 1,500 in the region
